Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Removing Dandruff Flakes

Jaaaaaa ...

we are back yet again in the stress .... actually, you can not even have just one weeks leave, if they are behind everything here stacked double and triple. But, there are stacked a lot of good things - I am full of creative ideas in my head and I found love post here - all that weighs an exhaust that drops in Belgium, with stolen organized wire festgetüddelt but then almost 1,000 km from home holds together again. Or?

Where did it go?

to a lake in Belgium

and an even larger lake,
where ever the water was gone when we came

but this lake have been soooo many as a holiday destination chosen
and must all be accommodated ... grrrrr
(in summer would take me there are no 10 horses ...
people about people)

because we would prefer active holiday in winter
(well, not art, if the Baltic Sea in 10 km distance)

go at least 1x a day in the water park ....
(it certainly is Emy-holiday, the emphasis is on "even")

drive and boat (very large boat) from Calais to Dover

feed first what

will of course promptly at the first 50m
a Ollen rust heap a restoration project

admire the architectural masterpieces
of Dork, er the Doove
(sorry, there surely lies a very deep meaning behind
which I do not open up grad)

, and then late at night with a few crew members
(I hope there was at least a Captain on board)
the only one in Calais landed

Well, there was also yet to try local specialties
(we had put a healthy lifestyle for this week times on ice) -

do with these stores, full of sweet things
us the only constant torture ....

You see, I already look very bad ...

the other pictures
(so bummelige 60's are still)
I will spare you, but you would certainly show even Horst,
found what he was so monumentally
and that was also

since then is the king of Flanders
(Horst had times like a children's book ...
and then one experiences history with a-ha)





and cute cleaning fanatic, the da ...
the small brown
since I've brought with me ;-)

All in all, a lot of experience and still much too short time
and worst of all:
can we get from +13 ° C -4 ° C in winter and snow and
go away ... (O'ton Mathieu Sarah thingy)


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