Sunday, February 6, 2011

Vases With Candles And Rose Petals

Uuuuuuuund nochwas!

arrived here yesterday on my Christmas gift from my dear mom-law ... first it was a voucher and then the transformed miraculously .....

in a great Oili * ly-purse - which I so needed
(I wanted a no sew!) think and what the collection has a real spring-like. Thank you so much and so now after quite a thick Knutsch Ticino and tonight we finally go - now I'm really gone. See you soon ... I'm looking forward ...

HP N ° 1 read along to the minority:
Moses retires ... so that is not left alone only in the event that the animal rights activists as to walk again on my property

HP N ° 2 others to read along minority:
I pay for the holiday and keep my man from .... the poor must spend so much money elsewhere, there is no dough left over for such luxuries

is HP N ° 3 to anyone who does not know up here who is meant: does not irritate me
are and happy if you tell me not have an enemy - I'm so disgusting then promised!


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