Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Difference Between Pediatric Nebulizer And Adult

about parental maintenance

Source: newsdeutschland.com

Today is a hot topic in the Baltic Sea newspaper, our local daily newspaper. There it is again what I've been thinking quite a lot. Anyway, after getting in so cozy togetherness with my Horst live and work together and we feed 6 children more or less, I find that it in no more than 5-6 years is enough and we can easily turn the tables. Have we then drilled each over 35 years the ass to educate the children at reasonable individuals, offer them any comfort can be (that is hungry cold and had to sleep on the street until now one), I think we have deserved at times without mental confusion and incontinence during the day is to be taken care of them. I'm just tired and would stop working. Basta!

This theme is very appropriate in today just picked up that article and explains the legal situation. What I love the welfare state!
If you consider each child then has become his own income (some now already quite good) and is (of course like to be) a very small part back as gratitude, summed up in 6 children, the hat and we can enjoy knowing the life and why we have given the often on something. I think this idea is not necessarily repulsive, because I like you - so I you, right? This is the principle of solidarity! Background reading I even found a few articles , all very interesting - so I've thought about it, maybe even take turns to stay with the children for 4 weeks or so. This saves a lot easier and is now but also for the children even more enjoyable, than later when you have to wipe my ass every 3 hours, making beds, feed me, wash and wear to bed (after all, then 150kg) ... etc. and so on ........

edit for insider: win at sweepstakes will be shared-Yippee!


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