Thursday, January 20, 2011

How To Propel A Boat Without Batteries


Lieben Dank fürs Feedback bezüglich meiner "Handtaschn"
Es ist sicher nicht leicht es aus Leder zu nähen. So I bet: not every little machine is packed!
This leather has been somewhat stronger. About 1.45 mm, so my little machine has geschnauft me in places where leather is 4 times as thick. I stroked it in between:) (Janome MC 6500)
embroidery is not a problem, I neheme down just a little excitement and it runs fine:) I do not even change my needle. But I have such a Sticki who grumble NEVER! (And really know better little machine zicken the much more!) By the way I stretch the leather in the NIE framework, it will either be embroidered on the dunes self-adhesive film (however the means) or my own solution (which I should even register as a patent hi hi hi)
so my love is still the pants in the corner and looks at me wrong .... they should wait:)
I'll go sew some
Greetings Nathalie


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