Saturday, February 26, 2011

Depression Helpline Perth

Mmmhhhhh delicious! Valeska Valeska

We gave it just what degree Oberhammer tasty lunch ...
because we have such beautiful sunshine, we must take advantage of the weather, wind chill to 40 tons of leaves to rake up what was in the fall is not possible - it has rained only, you know more? Well, So the food had to go fix and last week I had the idea for it, then I'm on my Schwiemu the "device" can bring it and whoops-hop:

there was Knoepfle. What is the fine .... with such a part
I used to make the Schmatterkram with wooden board and so and I've always shied that bring more to the diet because it was just gatschig, soggy and nasty. And now? Voila, super everything.

For the die-Swabia and Bavaria or the names of the "fringe groups" where the Knöpfle national dish, we have them with vile Dirty tomato sauce.
(kinda thin the sauce, I see grad)
Bon appetit!

here and appending still my noodles / Knöplerezept:

noodles without water, only with eggs

per 50 g flour 1 egg counted. That will be for example 300 g flour, 6 eggs and salt.

flour, eggs and salt in a bowl and stir with a wooden spoon at first and then beat until the dough "bubbles" raises. The part should fall, "tough" from the spoon. Min then the dough about 20 minutes. let them rest. After the rest period
into the dough boiling water to push or scrape by hand

(which I did not do - I have my "machine" for that). can
noodles boil in water briefly and remove with a slotted spoon, place in a sieve. Short discourage, on a plate and serve.

beautiful sunny day!


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